6. maaliskuuta 2017

TO DO-LIST for Brighton 2017

Hello again!
As I told I am going back to Brighton with EF!! Today I want to do kind of "to do-list" and list things I want to do/see while being in Brighton. If you didn't read the post where I told that I'm going back. Just quickly. I'm going back to Brighton on April. I'll fly to London 10th and fly back to Finland 22nd. So I am staying two weeks! Before we start I want to point out that this list is kinda of repeating it self from 2015 and 2016.

1. Royal Pavilion !!!
I told myself that I want to visit Royal Pavilion in 2015 but didn't have time to do that. Again I told myself to visit Royal Pavilion in 2016 but didn't do it. SO this year I will visit Royal Pavilion!

2. Oxford
I wanted to visit Oxford last year but I didn't have a change. So lets hope that this year I can go. Oxford have been that one city I would love to study someday and also what a big Harry Potter fan I am it would be so cool to see some of the places live!

3. London
I have visited London many times already but I haven't have a time to actually be like a normal tourist. So I want to go and take some cool pictures and actually see London. Also I really want to go to London Eye!

4. Seven sisters
It just looks so cool so I want to go. This is like one of those things I was planning whole month last year but never actually had time to go.

5. Terre à terre
This is a vegan restaurant and it was amaaazing. I went there twice last year but I just wanted to put this into my to do-list because I actually do miss their food.

6. Beach huts
Beach huts looks so cute and in Brighton they have beach huts really near the pier. I just don't know why I haven't take a few extra minutes to walk to take few pics.

7. Photo booth
I really want to go take few photo booth pictures !

8. Random bus to somewhere
I just want to take some random bus or train and go somewhere. I want to find some cool places and take some cool pictures.

9. Pot noodles
EAT LESS POT NOODLES!! Okay just saying I had to put this in this list because to be honest I think I have a problem. I ate so damn many pot noodles last year that it is something to worry about. Still first thing I want to do when I am going to the town is... go buy pot noodles and taste if they actually are that good.

So here is 9 things which are in my to do-list for Brighton 2017. I am so exited to go to Brighton again and meet all of my British friends and have the best two weeks of my life. Have you already planned your language course with EF? If your answer was no. You should check their website and their sales!! Their sales are pretty good at the moment. Good bye for now.


All the pics are from www.pexels.com

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